Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My first TRUE Love Bug...

Ok so i figured id give this whole blog thing a try and see how it all turns out. After all its a good way to save memories for my kiddos of what they were like or thigs they said or did when they were small...
First off let me tell you a little about me aka Mama Bear. I first became a mom to my son Titus David  back in 2009! He was the best birthday present ever... yes folks he was born on my birthday, November 20th! I remember every little detail about that day which i guess is weird because most moms say they dont remember anything about it. It was a sunny day, I had a doctor appointment and it was my actual due date, November 19th. My mom had the day off for whatever reason, probably because I was due that day. Anyways my appointment was late morning around 10ish. my doc checked to see if I was even dialated and to my surprise i was at a whopping 1cm!! WOW! not very exciting if you ask me I wanted the kid out already. My doc, her name was trish, told me i would probably be back later that night, to which i laughed and said ya right. Little did i know she knew better than I did.
After my appointment My mom and I decided to go get some lunch and get some shopping done, seeing as we weren't having a baby today. After we ate we hit up the Goodwill to see if we could find anything good. To be honest i dont really remember looking at anything or even buying anything.  I ended up having to go to the bathroom and and what do you know, right there in the middle of Goodwill shopping my contractions started! I think i visited the bathroom about 5-6 times(thankfully it was clean) while we were there and finally after the last time i told my mom we needed to leave. Like I said before I dont remember her buying anything which probably looked suspicious considering we had been looking around for quite awhile and I kept visiting the bathroom.
We Finally made it home! I decided to lay down and try to relax before calling the doctor. I didnt want to call unless it was for real this time. Around 7p.m. the REAL contractions started but stubborn me still would not call my doctor. I eneded up working through the pain of being in labor until 11p.m. My mom is the one that actually called and told the doc it was time. We left my house for the hospital about ten minutes after calling the doctor and when we arrived the door they told us to go in was LOCKED!!! I ve never been so frustrated in my life! Luckily there was a man walking out so when he came out i waddled my way in. There was supposed to be a wheel chair waiting at the door but what do ya know... NOTHING! I waddled like a penguin to the elevator and up we went. When we got out of the elevator my mom decided to call the maternity ward at the hospital and told them i needed a wheel chair. I ended up walking most of the way, which was probably a good thing at the time but, im pretty sure that was the longest hallway Ive ever had to walk. They finally met me at the entrance of the maternity ward with the wheel chair which was kind of pointless now that I think about it.
Anyways, They checked me in and off to a room I went to lay there and wait...and wait...and wait. My water never broke! My contractions were getting stronger and stronger but I didnt want to get my epidural until the pain was unbearable so they gave me a tranquilizer to take the edge off.  Little did I know what this tranquilizer would do. As soon as they put it in my IV I honestly felt drunk. Everything was spinning and it took everything i had to lay there. I was out before to long thank goodness, but apparently I was so out of it that when i passed out i was talking and laughing. To who? my mom of course... LOL... she just sat there and laughed at me she said. I do remember dreaming about santa clause and for some odd reason we all lived in tea cups! weird I know.  I slept a few hours which felt great, but now i was getting hungry... I couldnt eat until after I had the little guy and the last time i ate was lunch with my mom.
I ended up having to get my epidural at about 8 am the next morning, which was my birthday November 20th. I had to get it, if I didnt get it when i did, they werent sure when I was going to be able to get it. After I got the epidural everything slowed down! more like everything stopped! Honestly i was ready to go home, nothing was happening. We sat/layed there for what seemed like forever! nothing to do nowhere to go... talk about BORING!!!
After what seemed like an eternity, it was time!! I made a promise to myself that I would not be in labor for 24 hours and I was gonna stick to that promise if it was the last thing i did.  I was kind of nervous to have a child of my own to be honest. I knew once he was out I would have a huge responsibilily and i questioned if I was ready for that or not... Regardless of whether i was ready or not he was ready and well on his way! The doc told me when i felt pressure to push, not gonna lie I layed there through the pressure for awhile and kind of gave myself a pep talk in my head, telling myself I was ready for this!
I finally started pushing and after about 10-15 minutes He was out!! Ive never been so happy/relieved in my entire life!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! Titus David weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 21 inches long!
He was and still is PERFECT!